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Power module SST-SR4-CLX-RLL controller/driver board


80 in stock


Order (minimum order quantity): 1


If the module being configured is SST-SR4-CLX-RLL, the type shown will be “Serial”. If the module is SST-ESR2-CLX-RLL, the type shown will be “Eth/Ser


Power module SST-SR4-CLX-RLL controller/driver board

Power module SST-SR4-CLX-RLL controller/driver board

Power module SST-SR4-CLX-RLL controller/driver boardillustration

This document contains helpful information in the installation, configuration and troubleshooting of either SST-ESR2-CLX-RLL or SST-SR4-CLX-RLL communication modules in the Control System. It covers minimal information regarding the use and configuration of PLC’s. It is assumed that user has the required knowledge to troubleshoot problems related to PLCs.


The package will install the following:
 Help files
o Modbus Ethernet TCP/IP Protocol Reference Guide
o Modbus RTU/ASCII Master/Slave Reference Guide
o Siemens Industrial Ethernet Protocol Reference Guide
o SST-ESR2-CLX-RLL and SST-SR4-CLX-RLL Reference Guide
 BCMS – (Brad Communication ™ SST Backplane Communication Module Software) is
covered briefly in the next section.
 Sample ladder code projects.


The SST ControlLogix Communication Modules comes in two variants: SST-ESR2-CLX-RLL and SSTSR4-CLX-RLL modules. The SST-ESR2-CLX-RLL communication module features 1 Ethernet and 2 Serial communication ports with each port capable of running supported protocol messaging. The SST-SR4-CLX-RLL communication module features 4 Serial communication ports with each port capable of running supported protocol messaging.


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